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  • Raegan Nelson



My name is Raegan Nelson, and I am a student at Brigham Young University majoring in Dance Education and minoring in Spanish. I am currently a Dance Scholar for the Arts Bridge Partnership which is why this blog exists. But first, a little about me!

I am 22 years old and I am from Elko, Nevada. I danced as a kid but mostly got back into dancing during high school with a dance team. I completed my freshman year at BYU before serving an 18 month mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in and near Concepcion, Chile. I returned to BYU after my mission and got married to my high school sweetheart in August, 2018. I love dancing, movement, and the opportunity to help teachers and students see the importance of integrating arts in the schools.

As an Arts Bridge Dance Scholar, I have been paired with an elementary school teacher who I will work with to integrate arts into the classroom. I have been assigned to work in Orem, Utah at Bonneville Elementary with Nicole Jones and her 4th grade class. I am working with Ms. Jones to integrate things like language arts, social studies, and science. I am planning and teaching dance lessons that integrate dance concepts along with other subjects.

For this blog, I will be posting my experiences, lesson plans, and ideas throughout my time in this 4th grade classroom. I am so excited to spend the next couple of months with these kids and Ms. Jones to help them learn by moving their bodies! This will be a great year in the Arts Bridge Partnership!

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